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Showing posts from September 18, 2012

Google & Apple Operate Spy Planes.

Mapping technology race more exciting. Google and Apple even hired a spy plane that can record details of the cities,in order to create a sophisticated map service. Quoted from dailymail,aircraft operated Google and Apple reportedly so sophisticated that threatened the privacy of the residents.For all the activities they would likely participate recorded. Google has admitted that they had to fly in major cities to record the objects that will be displayed on the Google Earth map.While Apple has acquired C3 Technologies company that records a variety of areas with cutting-edge camera. Apple camera used to record the supposedly very powerful,similar to that of an intelligence agency.Personal activities of the citizens can be recorded easily.Apple is predicted to soon launch its own map service. "You will not be able to bask in the yard without worrying plane from Apple or Google is taking your picture," said Nick Pickles,director of Big Brother Watch,the civil rights

Resep Kue: Puding Almond

Puding Almond Bahan: 10 gr gelatin 50 ml air 1/2 bungkus agar-agar putih 50 gr gula pasir 500 ml susu 1 sendok makan esens almond 10 gr gula palem 750 ml air 1 sendok teh esens almond 2 buah kiwi (iris tipis) 100 gr strowberry (potong 2) Cerry merah 1 buah belimbing (iris tipis) Cara membuat: Rendam gelatin dalam air.Didihkan Susu,agar-agar,gelatin,gula,dan esens almond.Masukkan dalam cetakan 20 cm,lalu dinginkan. Rebus bahan sirup lalu dinginkan.Potong-potong gelatin.Siram kuah dan sajikan dingin dengan buah. Semoga Berhasil..